Video and Sound Production
Andrew Ang Siu Boon / 0345135
28.03.2022 - 1.7.2021 / Week 01- 14
Bachelor's Degree (Hons) in Computer Science
Bachelor's Degree (Hons) in Computer Science
Week 1 : 28.3.2022
This week, were also tasked with 2 exercise which is a short MV making and a dubbing exercise. For the short MV, we have to make a 30 seconds video including a scene where a group of 3 members have to do a short dance. After further discussion, our team decided to choose the song Roxanne for out MV. The final outcome of our MV is shown below.
As for the second exercise, we were given a short clip from a Disney movie called Soul and all have
to do is dub it using sound effects and our voice recordings. The following video is the final outcome of my dubbing exercise.
Week 7: 9.5.2022
Week 7 we were starting to play more with Adobe Premiere Pro so that we can get used to it for our Final Project. We were given a few video to edit and below is the outcome of my work.
Week 1 : 28.3.2022
This was the first week and Mr. Chong gave us few videos in Google Drive and we were asked to combine all the Video into one single video using Adobe Premiere Pro
This is the final outcome of the video
Week 2 : 4.4.2022
In this week, we were tasked to do framing and editing exercise. The first exercise is framing, I was taught 7 different shot size which will determine how large the area which will be visible within the frame. The 7 shots are Extreme Wide Shot, Wide Shot, Medium Wide Shot, Medium Shot, Medium Close-Up Shot, Close-Up Shot, and Extreme Close-Up Shot. I had the opportunity to ask my girlfriend to be my model and these were the shots used to make the following video.
The second task of this week is editing exercise where we were given few videos and are tasked to edit it into a short film based on a Thailand film called Lalin. All I had to do was crop out the front and end part of the video and compile it all into the video that my previous seniors had recorded. The following video is the output of my Premiere Pro edit.
Week 3 : 11.4.2022
This week, were also tasked with 2 exercise which is a short MV making and a dubbing exercise. For the short MV, we have to make a 30 seconds video including a scene where a group of 3 members have to do a short dance. After further discussion, our team decided to choose the song Roxanne for out MV. The final outcome of our MV is shown below.
to do is dub it using sound effects and our voice recordings. The following video is the final outcome of my dubbing exercise.
Week 4 : 18.4.2022
In the fourth week, we did not do much as sir briefed us about the next practical which was a shooting exercise based of a K-Drama "Happiness 해피니스" The trailer of the video is below
Week 5 : 24.4.2022
For todays shooting, we decided our venue to be at D'Latour as one of our groupmate stays there and she said it was okay for us to use the place. Below are a few photos taken during our shooting session. It was really fun to work with them and Mr. Martin.
Sir also separated us into groups for the next week and assigned roles for us. As for me, I was assigned as the male actor for this short clip.
For todays shooting, we decided our venue to be at D'Latour as one of our groupmate stays there and she said it was okay for us to use the place. Below are a few photos taken during our shooting session. It was really fun to work with them and Mr. Martin.
BONUS : Picture of Mr. Martin looking like a celebrity
Final outcome of my edited video
Week 7: 9.5.2022
Week 7 we were starting to play more with Adobe Premiere Pro so that we can get used to it for our Final Project. We were given a few video to edit and below is the outcome of my work.
Final project : vfx
For the final project, we had 2 options. We could either choose to do Stop Motion of VFX. After further decision I ended up choosing VFX for my last project in VSP.
Final Project VFX
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