30/8/2023- 29/11/2023 (Week1 - Week 14)
Ang Siu Boon (0345135)
Design Principles (Bachelor's Degree (Hons) in Computer Science)
Final Compilation


Figure 1.0 Task 1 Contrast Final

Figure 1.1 Task 1 Balance Final

Figure 1.2 Task 1 Emphasis Final


Duality: Deception and Truth

Figure 2.0 Self-Portrait Final


Roar for Conservation: Protect Malayan Tiger

Figure 3.0 Visual Analysis Final


  1. What have I learnt in this module?

    In this module, I have learned about the fundamentals and the basic foundation of Design Principles and Design Elements. It learned how to craft impact visual narratives and also break down other's artwork based on the Design Principles.

  2. What did I enjoy the most?

    I enjoyed my time with Dr. Yip and other students as this allows us to share our ideas. I love showing my artwork to Dr. Yip to express my feeling and idea, at the same time listening to her feedback which could expand and widen my imaginations.

  3. What did I not enjoy the most?

    I did not enjoy certain student's attitude and behaviour towards our lecturer.  Their idleness and 
    unethusiastic towards their work caused Dr. Yip having to spend more time on them which leads class to have a bad atmosphere and a waste of time.

  4. What have I learnt about myself through this module?

    I learned that I have a good imagination and have a knack of creating if I put my heart and soul into it. Encouragement and praises from Dr. Yip also tend to boost my morale and helps to ease my process which makes the outcome even more gratifying.

  5. What has changed and what has not in my learning journey?

    I have became more responsible in my work by completing my task on time before each class. I also tend to be more open up to idea of others and becoming more considerate.

  6. What could be improved in this module?

    Although this cases is not common but having combined class with different batch affects the passion of the module.


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